International Training Institute |
Istanbul, Turkey |
Every teacher should experience it
Ohh it was tense, plenty of time and efforts consuming, but it was worth doing it as Cambridge Celta is an amazing platform. Tutors were so much helpful. The online platform is also easy to explore and work on with tons of useful information and resources. Jonon/Celta, Jan-April 2018
The course was a great way to revisit my teaching techniques and refresh on previous skills as well as learning new practices, meeting people in the same field and sharing knowledge, ideas and friendship. It was really great to observe the experienced teachers and fellow trainees alike to gain new ideas - Thank you ITI I look forward to DELTA.
It was a great experience. I particularly liked that the tutors were always available and ready to help. I've learned so much and my methods in class have since improved. The interaction with different teachers from different backgrounds who had amazing ideas has sparked a level of creativity that I never knew I had. I cannot wait to use the ideas that I have learned through the course.
CELTA was an effective course both for teaching and learning English
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